慶應義塾大学は、IBM の量子コンピュータ実機「IBM Q」の最新版に アクセス出来る アジア圏唯一のハブです。量子コンピュータと聞くと難しく聞こえるかもしれませんが、 少数の大事なアイデアを押さえておけば、IBM Q のプログラミングを始めることが 出来ます。実際、 ハブでは新入生も含む学生達が、日々、このマシンを使って量子 コンピューティングを学んでいるのです。学生として、派遣研究者として、あるいはスタッフとして慶應ハブに参加しませんか?共に、この エキサイティングな先端技術のフロンティアを開拓していきましょう!
The Next Generation of Quantum Natives
Quantum computing will change the world.
Quantum computing uses quantum entanglement and interference to solve problems that ordinary, classical computers find difficult, especially as the problem size grows. Quantum computers will help researchers in fields as diverse as pharmaceuticals, steel, chemicals, and IT. Quantum optimization algorithms and mathematical algorithms have applications in finance, operations research, and artificial intelligence. Quantum computing will benefit society and industry, helping to solve the important global challenges in the twenty-first century.
At Keio University, we are working to advance the design of quantum computing systems; develop new quantum algorithms and find the best ways to implement known algorithms; test algorithms for controlling quantum systems; share expertise in isotopic engineering with quantum researchers throughout the world; and design the Quantum Internet.
The IBM Q Network Hub @ Keio University is the only organization in Asia to have access to IBM’s best quantum computer. It sounds exotic, but by learning just a few core ideas, anyone can begin programming this machine, and students as young as freshmen are using the computer every day. Come join Keio students, staff, and faculty, and researchers from hub member companies as we push the frontiers of technology’s most exciting field!
Research Facilities
IBM Q Quantum Computer
Access to the IBM Q Quantum Computing Platform - a comprehensive system platform comprised of a 20 Qubit Quantum Computer for researchers, faculty, and students.
Service Support
Full service support from IBM and its affiliated Q Network.
University Access & Environment
Gain access to university libraries, research tools, and faculty across a range of disciplines dedicated to pushing quantum computing to the next level.
Software Research & Development
Join researchers and experts in crafting the next generation of software and technologies to leverage the benefits of quantum computing. New algorithms and code applications promise to unlock applications yet to be discovered.
Training & Education
Experts from faculties and disciplines throughout Japan are invited to join in the KQCC Hub - a platform hosted at KQCC to ensure the results of quantum computing apply to tomorrow's emerging society.
Take The Next Step: Learn the Basics
Keio University in partnership with the Keio Quantum Computing Center is pleased to offer “Understanding Quantum Computers” an online course taught by KQCC Vice Chair and Keio University Professor Rodney Van Meter this Spring 2018.
The course explores key concepts of quantum computing including why we build quantum computers, and covers key algorithms. The course also looks at quantum computing hardware and the budding quantum information technology industry. Key concepts will be explained graphically, with minimal mathematics required.
Keio Quantum Computing Research Team
Collaborative Researchers _KQCC Team
Alumni_KQCC Team
JSR Corporation
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, inc
Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.
Mitsubishi Chemical Group
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank
Sony Group Corporation
Hitachi, Ltd.
SoftBank Corp.
Keio University
Contact Us
Address and Contact Information
The Keio Quantum Computing Center is located in Building 34 Room 312 at Keio University’s Yagami Campus.
3-14-1 Hiyoshi, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 223-8522